Our Purpose

Parenting is tough. We know that fathers and mothers today are both constantly trying to be more involved and make the best decisions with their children’s health. We firmly believe it, because we are parents too. That’s why we are here to ensure better care for children in their homes by empowering parents with simple tools and assessments at the palm of their hands.


Our Dedicated Team

We're a tight-knit collection of medical experts, engineers, business professionals, and parents—experts in the first beautiful moments of human life.

Dr. James Lee

Our Team

BEng in Electrical Engineering, Plastic & Reconstructive surgeon, Assistant professor of Surgery at McGill University Faculty of Medicine.

Matthew Toews

Our Team

PhD in Engineering, Research experience at Harvard University in Medical Image Analysis, Professor of Engineering at ETS University.

Chirag Rakholiya

Our Team
Development Lead

BEng in Computer Engineering, MEng in Information Systems Security,
Full Stack Developer.

Chad Bitar

Our Team

BEng in Electrical Engineering, Expertise in project management

Our Scientific Advisory Board

Dr. Youssef Tahiri

Our Team
Pediatric Craniofacial Surgeon

Piotr Duma

Our Team
Cranial Orthotist

Dr. Paul Rossy

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Dr. Catherine Charpentier

General Practitioner

Our Partners


Our Team

Our Vision

We want to inform and reassure parents and create a safer world for children. Our simple, easy-to-use app allows parents to conduct quick assessments regarding their child’s head, ears, eyes, and skin. 

Our patented technology is backed by clinical algorithms and a board of certified doctors and physicians. Basically, it alerts you before critical issues may occur. The way we see it, the more you know, the better you can care.

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